
October 23, 2023

Why Your Employee Engagement Programs Need a Refresh with Supplier Diversity and Personal Agency

The connection between personal agency, supplier diversity, and employee engagement is a powerful one.

Why Your Employee Engagement Programs Need Supplier Diversity, Personal Agency

If you're not investing in supplier diversity, personal agency, and optionality as part of your employee engagement programs, learning and development initiatives, and employee wellbeing perks, then you're missing out on a vital opportunity to empower your workforce and drive lasting change. It's time to challenge the status quo and rewrite the rules of engagement and inclusion in all aspects of the employee lifecycle.

Supplier Diversity: The Power of Inclusive Partnerships

Remember, diversity is not just a buzzword, it's a powerful tool for transformation. By embracing supplier diversity, you demonstrate your commitment to creating a more equitable and inclusive business environment. You also unlock innovative ideas, fresh perspectives, and diverse talent, which can drive creativity, growth, and innovation. If you're not investing in diverse suppliers, then you're missing out on a competitive edge and the opportunity to build a more inclusive future. While supplier diversity is amazing for business, and employee engagement, it's also increasingly a competitive edge with investors and consumers. Historically, spending with large companies or startups (that employ diverse talent) has been the way to support inclusion at work. At Aginci, we see the future of business partnerships as being one that's inclusive of diverse startups and SMBs.

Personal Agency: The Freedom to Choose

Your team is made up of adults with evolving and changing needs, wants, and priorities. Infusing personal agency into your employee engagement, learning and development, and wellbeing programs can make all of the difference in utilization and satisfaction. By giving them personal agency and optionality, you empower them to explore their passions, develop new skills, and find meaning in their work. Employee wellbeing should be a top priority for any organization. And while traditional wellbeing programs can be effective, they are often one-dimensional and not inclusive of all employees. This is where optionality comes into play. By offering a range of wellbeing perks, or easy to use personal stipends, you give your employees the freedom to choose what works best for them. The key is to be inclusive, transparent, and responsive to your employees' needs. When your employees are healthy, happy, and engaged, everyone wins.

The Future Is Inclusive

Overall, the importance of supplier diversity and personal agency in employee engagement programs cannot be overstated. These are not just buzzwords, but powerful tools for transformation. By embracing inclusive partnerships, empowering your employees, and supporting their wellbeing, you build a stronger, more resilient, and more equitable organization. It's time to challenge the status quo and join the movement towards a more inclusive future. Are you ready to make a difference?

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